5 Tips for a Better Newsletter

Ninfa Cabello

I recently wrote about how Madrivo can help you create a larger newsletter list.  Madrivo helps many advertisers increase their customer base.  Now I want to give you some tips we have all learned along the way on how to create a successful newsletter.

#1 Keep It Short

I get asked if I had just one tip for a newsletter, what it would be.  The one tip that I believe is the best is keeping the newsletter SHORT.  I am a huge fan of bullet points!  Bullet points are to the point and easy for your consumers to read and understand. Bullet points are so much easier to read than complete sentences and allow your readers to get more information in less time.

#2 #SubjectLinesMatter

What’s the first impression in an email?  The SUBJECT Line!  You should spend time creating a few different subject lines to test.  Your audience may like straight and to the point, or they may like funny, quirky subject lines. The only way to know is to test. Since lots of emails are being opened up on mobile devices, you also need to watch your character count. If there are too many words in your subject and they can’t all fit on a mobile screen, consumers may scroll right past your newsletter and on to the next.

#3 Analytics, Analytics, Analytics

You must look at what you have done previously that has had the most success. By looking at the past you can plan better for the future. Did you test different templates? Which template worked best? What subject lines did your readers like the best (look at open rates)? What topic performed the best? What day and time worked best for the newsletter drop? The answers to all these questions can be found through analytics.

#4 Be Consistent

If in your previous newsletter or on your site, you say “Sign up for a weekly newsletter”, or “See you next week”, please makes sure you send out a newsletter every week!  Make sure you do what you say, or you will lose credibility with your audience.

#5 It’s not YOU, it’s ME

Give your consumers/readers a clear opt-out link.  Make it easy for them to opt-out of our newsletter.  Why keep them if they hit the SPAM button or are not really the audience you are looking for?  Let them go! It’s ok to break up.

If you need help reviewing your newsletter or acquiring qualified, interested consumers that want your newsletter, reach out to Madrivo.com!  We are here to help you get to the next level.

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