6 Tips for Creating Compelling Push Notifications

Rebecca Felker

Push notifications can be used in a number of ways to notify your customers about offers and deals, order status, reminders, announcements, and more. Depending on the industry, content of a successful push notification can vary dramatically. However, using the right words and tone can make a big difference with engagement and click-through rates. Improving the text of the notification is an easy first step. Keep these 6 tips in mind when writing your push notification copy.

  1. Be relevant

Understanding your audience and personalizing the push notification message to appeal to them will be key in gaining your users’ trust. Create personalized content. It will bring value and help spike engagement with your users.

  1. Be concise

Push notifications are brief by design. So, when you have a limited character amount, the need to convey your message in a clear, succinct manner is key to getting your point across. The best performing message is 25 characters and under. The shorter your message, the easier it is for the user to scan the message, thus increasing the chances of a click.

  1. Be helpful

Make the message beneficial to the user. Market research suggests that users are likely to get annoyed by purely promotional push notifications, yet far more likely to approve of notifications that they believe are helpful to them and provide them useful information.

  1. Prompt action

Write messaging that prompts users to take action. For example, if you’re a retail brand,  provide a clear benefit the user will receive from an offer. Studies show using the word “off” (for discounted promotions) resulted in a 5% boost in click-through rates.

  1. Be creative, maybe even funny!

Grab the user’s attention by using some creativity. Use catchy calls to action or one-liners to make your push notifications funny. This will keep them engaged, interested and entertained. Surprise them with a good laugh and it’ll be a positive and memorable experience with your brand.

  1. Be thoughtful

By nature, push notifications are disruptive to the user receiving them. It’s like being in-the-zone while working on your computer, and then a co-worker stops by to ask a question. It’s not a bad interruption, but nonetheless an interruption from what you were doing. Make your message warrant an interruption to make viewers feel rewarded rather than annoyed.

I hope you now have some great tips to add to your copywriting arsenal for push notifications! Messaging will depend on your audience and what type of message you’re sending, but with these tips you’ll be able to cover six different types of copywriting.

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