How to Craft a Personalized Marketing Campaign for a Quick Win

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Nearly all customers value personalized marketing. And it’s no wonder. Look at the digital landscape: Amazon sends personalized shopping recommendations, e-commerce stores use data to predict what clothes you might want to purchase, Netflix customizes queues for optimal binge-watching potential.

Customers get personalized messages every day. Why would they expect anything less from you and your business?

For companies, personalized marketing pays off. Experian found that personalized emails earned six times the transaction rate over emails that were not personalized. Plus, personalization is shown to boost customer love and loyalty.

But the notion of personalization can also sound scary, particularly if you aren’t a retail giant (and who is?). Never fear. Personalization is attainable. In fact, every company can achieve easy personalized marketing wins.

Here are three steps to creating a personalized marketing campaign for a quick win.

Capture Leads

It’s not enough to get a customer on your site. You need to drive them to an optimized webform and capture their information.

Optimized web forms are the No. 1 way to capture customers and begin nurturing them down the sales cycle.

HubSpot suggests starting by adding forms to the pages on your site that get the most traffic, such as a popular blog post or a web page.

Follow these three tips as you consider your lead generation strategy:

  • Put your web form “above the fold” on a page — that is, high enough where users do not need to scroll down
  • Ask the right questions, but not too many. Don’t create any friction at sign up.
  • Include a strong, accurate call-to-action. Make sure your customers know what they are signing up for.
  • A/B test your forms to know what to tweak, and why.
  • Send a triggered email immediately after sign up so users know they were successful.


Know Your Customers

Reaching your customers is an essential first step to creating a personalized marketing campaign. Next, you need to collect additional information about your customers to ensure you send them the most useful, personalized messaging.

First, use your forms to ask questions, such as first and last name, zip code and gender. You might also ask about preferences relevant to your business. For example, if you are an online pet retailer, you might ask if your customer owns a dog, cat, rabbit or bird.

This information will help you segment your marketing list in several ways. Continuing the example above, you can send dog owners information about your new line of leashes, and cat owners information about new toys or organic kitty litter. This is far more useful than batch-and-blasting general emails.

You might also choose to supplement the data you collect with third-party data. There are two reasons for this. First, you shouldn’t ask too many questions on a webform. Asking too many questions prevents users from converting. Second, you may need additional information about legacy contacts or that users cannot readily provide.

Obtaining more information about your subscribers can be simplified. TowerData provides Email Intelligence solutions to give you demographic data on your existing audience. You can easily request a match report to better understand who your customers are.

For example, if you know your customers’ household income, you can use that information to segment your list into budget buyers and bigger spenders. This will guide them down the buyer’s journey with ease and earn you faster conversions.

Find Your Quick Personalization Wins

Personalization isn’t complicated — and it shouldn’t ever have to be. Use your data to find some quick wins.

These could include:

  • Segmenting your customer list by interest. For example, you may know what pages your customers have viewed, or your customers may have provided you with their interests, as outlined above.
  • Using first name in the subject line and elsewhere in the email address.
  • Sending birthday and anniversary offers.
  • Using unique creative for different genders: men, women, nonbinary people or those who do not wish to identify.
  • Personalizing your triggered emails for a unique “thank you” message or welcome message.
  • And more.

Personalization doesn’t just immediately affect the bottom line and boost conversions. Personalized marketing also shows customers that you care, improving brand loyalty and fostering brand evangelists.

How are you personalizing your marketing campaigns?

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