Writing Affiliate Newsletters that Get Read!

Laura Goodsell

We all know how disappointing it can be…you spend hours writing up your affiliate newsletter just to have it languish unread in your publisher’s inboxes. Large affiliates receive hundreds of emails per day so you have to make sure that the information that you’re sending is useful to them if you want your email to be opened and read.

The subject line of your email is going to set the tone and give your affiliates a head’s up that “This Is Important”.  Be sure to include the name of your business and active words that describe what information you’re including in the newsletter.  For example, “Madrivo has a Spring affiliate bonus for you” or “Madrivo affiliates are getting a commission raise!” Pay attention to what appears in the “From” field on your newsletter too. It’s an opportunity to provide the affiliates with a contact at your company.

All too often we read newsletters that are cut and pasted from advertiser’s consumer email campaigns. Keep in mind that the primary audience of your affiliate newsletters are your affiliates. Affiliates are not the same as your customers so extensive information about the benefits of your products is not needed. The focus of your email should be on the benefits of your affiliate program.

It seems like it would be common sense, but sure to place the most important information at the top of your newsletter. Many affiliates will utilize the preview pane in their email reader and make a quick decision whether to open and read your email or delete it.  Let them know quickly that you are giving them a message that needs their attention.

For best results, include the affiliate’s contact name in the salutation in your email. It might take a little time to figure out how to utilize the merge functions of your email program, but the effort is worthwhile.  A personalized email will always get a better response.

Include the name of the affiliate network and a link to the page where the affiliates can pick-up the coded links to your site. When providing promotional details, be sure to include the Link ID, Start Date and Expiration date of any promotions. If possible, include at least one live, coded link in the body of your email.

Be sure to include your email address, phone number and instant messaging handle so that affiliates can contact you with questions, proposals, etc. and don’t forget to include at least one link to your website in the body of your email so that the affiliate can click to see how you represent your brand and products.

Most importantly, be sure to email affiliates when you have news that affects your program.  Making sure that the content of your newsletter is newsworthy is key to getting your email read by your best affiliates.

If you want more tips on making sure your affiliates are reading your emails, contact MadrivoOPM at OPM@madrivo.com.

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