Mutual of Omaha Sees 15% YoY Growth Across Multiple Products with Madrivo

Madrivo Media


Mutual of Omaha is a life insurance company offering numerous services‭, ‬including life‭, ‬disability‭, ‬medicare‭, ‬and long-term care‭. ‬As a Madrivo client‭, ‬it sought ways to optimize its paid search efforts by reducing its cost-per-click‭ (‬CPC‭) ‬and increasing its conversion rate‭. ‬

Insurance companies face many of the same risks with paid search marketing as other industries‭: ‬poor return on investment‭ (‬ROI‭) ‬if the ads are not properly optimized‭, ‬reduced visibility for ads due to a low-quality score‭, ‬and negative user experience if the ads are not relevant to the user’s search query‭. ‬But with a hyper-competitive landscape‭, ‬the cost of high-traffic keywords can quickly‮—‬and ineffectively‮—‬drain a company’s marketing budget‭.‬

The Challenge

Before working with Madrivo‭, ‬Mutual of Omaha faced several challenges in its search marketing efforts‭. ‬Inefficient campaign management due to a lack of in-depth knowledge of advanced paid search strategies was a challenge the team faced‭. ‬This hindered its‭ ‬teams’‭ ‬ability to generate leads and grow the business‭.‬

Our Solution

To help Mutual of Omaha overcome these challenges‭, ‬Madrivo provided paid search services for its life insurance products‭. ‬This included managing and optimizing their search campaigns to ensure they reached the right audience and generated high-quality leads‭.‬

Madrivo centered its approach around establishing a partner-style relationship with Mutual of Omaha‭, ‬structuring a performance-based fee schedule that reduced the client’s risk and allowed Madrivo to showcase its deep knowledge of paid search‭. ‬

Roadblocks Overcome

With Madrivo’s expertise and help‭, ‬Mutual of Omaha overcame several roadblocks that were hindering their success in paid search‭. ‬This included more effective budget management to ensure their campaigns were cost-effective and a clear pathway to grow leads and increase‭ ‬their customer base‭. ‬Additionally‭, ‬Madrivo was able to help Mutual of Omaha decrease its CPL‭, ‬which helped them maximize the return on investment‭.‬

Success enjoyed by Mutual of Omaha with Madrivo

Thanks to Madrivo’s expertise and efforts‭, ‬Mutual of Omaha has experienced significant success with its paid search campaigns‭. ‬Since becoming a client‭, ‬they have seen a‭ ‬15%‭ ‬YoY lead growth and a 16%‭ ‬decrease in their disability insurance campaign CPL‭.‬‭ ‬These results have helped Mutual of Omaha grow its business and increase its customer base‭. ‬Dave Koehler‭, ‬Director of Lead Management‭ ‬&‭ ‬Optimization at Mutual of Omaha‭, ‬saw the benefits of this approach to paid search‭. ‬Dave facilitated the collaborative success between his team and Madrivo‭. ‬

“Working with Madrivo has been a pleasure from start to finish‭. ‬Their professional approach to work and expertise in digital marketing was immediately apparent‭, ‬and their transparency in terms of strategy and reporting/analytics was greatly appreciated‭. ‬Throughout the process‭, ‬it was clear that the team at Madrivo was dedicated to growing our account and took a business or partnership approach to our relationship‭. ‬I highly recommend Madrivo to anyone needing top-notch digital marketing services‭.‬”

Dave Koehler, Director of Lead‭ ‬Management‭ ‬&‭ ‬Optimization at Mutual of Omaha


Madrivo has been able to help Mutual of Omaha overcome its challenges and achieve success with its paid search campaigns‭. ‬The client has seen significant lead growth and decreased CPL through Madrivo’s expertise and efforts‭. ‬

In addition to their successful paid search campaigns‭, ‬Mutual of Omaha has expanded its partnership with Madrivo to include services such as conversion-rate-optimized designs and Facebook marketing efforts‭. ‬The performance-based structure with Madrivo has‭ ‬allowed Mutual of Omaha to achieve even greater success and continue to grow its business‭. ‬


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